Please Update Us

Whether you are considering a gift in your will or have already made the arrangements, we would love to hear from you.

It is extremely helpful to learn that you are considering putting a gift to Durham in your will. We are delighted to know that we have this sort of support out there and we love being able to say thank you.

If you contact us, we will be very interested to hear exactly what has prompted you to make this significant gift because, by understanding our donors’ motivations, we learn how best to encourage more people to do the same.

Perhaps you attended an alumni event, read about a legacy gift in a University or College magazine, are concerned about the cost to students of their higher education, were prompted by the potential tax benefits, or wanted to give in memory of a loved one. Louise McLaren, Legacies Officer, would be very interested to hear your story. Please contact her on direct dial 0191 334 6313 or write to

If you share information about your legacy gift with us, we will treat it according to our Fair Collection Notice. You will be sent a form offering the choice of two levels of confidentiality. For further information, please read the Confidentiality Form. If you would like to express a preference, please print it, tick a box and post it to Louise McLaren at Durham University, Palatine Centre, Stockton Road, Durham, DH1 3LE.

Thank you for thinking of Durham University when making your will. Your interest in how the University is developing is much appreciated and we hope to see you at a University event very soon.

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Gift Policy
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Development and Alumni Relations Office
The Palatine Centre
Stockton Road

0191 334 6305