Contact Us
Stephanie Osborne
Alumni Relations Manager
Steph is the Alumni Relations Manager for Durham University Business School and part of the School’s team for Accreditation, Performance and Governance.
Steph’s responsibilities include developing, maintaining and establishing relationships with our ever-growing Business School alumni community from across the globe. Working closely with colleagues in the School and across departments, she will support on a number of projects to help alumni and supporters stay engaged and connected to the Business School.
Steph started working at Durham University in 2017 and has worked in the central Development and Alumni Relations office as the Alumni Relations Assistant for four years, she then worked in Legacy’s and Planned Giving before joining the Business School in 2023.
Steph can be contacted to discuss any alumni relations matters related to the Business School and would be delighted to hear from any of our alumni and supporters who wish to share their latest news and achievements.

Matteo Lai
Alumni Relations Coordinator
Matteo is the Alumni Relations Coordinator for Durham University Business School since May 2022. Matteo is responsible for developing and delivering the Business School alumni activities. In the first five months at DUBS, Matteo has worked on graduation events, rebuilding our international chapters after covid, alumni reunions, rankings and inductions.
After having spent a good part of his Durham student years in a variety of high-profile student leadership positions (including presidency of the International Students Association), in October 2020 Matteo started working within Durham University’s Leadership Programme. He was hired first as a sabbatical Student Enrichment Co-Ordinator, and then promoted to Leadership and Laidlaw Co-Ordinator.
Matteo can be contacted to get in touch with our alumni network while a student, stay in touch with the Business School after graduation.

Kexin (Coco) Li
Alumni Assistant
Coco is the Alumni Relations Assistant for Durham University Business School and manages the School's WeChat accounts. She help's to bridge the alumni and the alumni association in China. Coco assist's the university and the alumni association to work together on activities that benefit alumni. She graduated from Durham University with a Master's degree and is currently working on her PhD at Durham University.
The WeChat ID is DUBSAssistant
Alumni Relations Office
Durham University Business School
Mill Hill Lane
United Kingdom
Telephone:+44 (0)191 334 5277