Still in touch, 33+ years after graduation, a small group of Van Mildert 1987 alums did what everyone else is doing in these pandemic times, and had a zoom catchup to reflect on life updates, current happenings, chat about their children (one recently started at Durham!) and how remarkably lucky they felt to have kept in touch all these years...
Claire Barrett, Sara Davies, Simon Herrick, Gwyneth Jones, Kamal Mistry, Joanna Svarovsky, Philip Waterhouse, Gary Witham, Carola York
“We've gone different ways...but always had something common that linked us together. I hope my kids have that and they feel as close to the people they grew up with at 18 that i do now.” said Sara Davies
“Such a joy to see everyone and so delighted that everyone in essence is the same as they ever were” said Joanna
“It’s a privilege and a joy to reconnect. And a reminder of good things blossoming from a crisis” said Claire Barrett