DURSA Committee

DURSA is led by a committee elected at the Annual General Meeting. Francis Pritchard is the Secretary.

DURSA Committee Members 2022-23

Tim Burman was appointed to the Computer Science department in Durham in 1999, having previously worked for Newcastle City Council and the Northern Regional Health Authority. He became Department Manager, and remained in this role until the merger with Engineering, when he was appointed Department Manager in the School of Engineering and Computer Science. He remained in this role until he took early retirement in 2018.  He has also been past Treasurer of the SCR in Castle, and a member of the Historic Buildings Committee.

Clive Doloughan started as a trainee technician in the Physics Department in 1965. After qualification, he worked as a technician in High Energy Research & then in the Electronics Workshop before progressing to Head of Teaching Laboratories in the Physics Department. In 1995 he became the Departmental Superintendent, a post held until his retirement in 2011. During his career at the University, he was Chair of the Technicians Union, a member of Council for several years, a trustee of the University's Pension Scheme, and a member of several Council appointed university committees.

Kathy Fall, Treasurer of DURSA, accepted a position of Income Assistant with Durham University in 1993 having previously worked for Durham City Council in the income section of their treasurer's department. In 1999, when college finances were amalgamated into the University system rather than individual colleges, she was offered and accepted the position of credit controller. She retired from the University in September 2014 and became a member of DURSA. in June of that year, when asked, she joined the committee as a non academic retired member of staff.

Alan Kenwright

Sharon Mavin started at the University in April 2006 as Secretary in Estates and Buildings, working a part-time job share. She later became Admin Assistant for the Emergency Planning Office working solely with the Emergency Planning Officer.and outside term time worked at University College as a Vacation Receptionist. When her daughter went to University she decided to work full time.so joined the Occupational Health and Safety Service on the Science site on another part-time job share. She also helped with the preparation of health promotion across the University, delivering video, leaflets and presentations.

In 2017 after many changes within both departments and children through University she applied for voluntary severance. She currently works part time for the Diocese of Hexham and Newcastle as Parish Secretary at a parish based in Bishop Auckland, and invigilates at my local UTC College in Newton Aycliffe.

Keith Orford was appointed Lecturer in Physics in 1971. elected Dean of Science 2000, appointed first Executive Dean (later PVC) of Science on creation of UEC in 2002, retired 2009. He has chaired committee of UK Deans of Science and founded DURSA after retirement. He was Chairman until 2016.

Francis Pritchard, the DURSA Secretary, was appointed to the University Library in Durham in 1981 after two years in the University Library at Aberystwyth. He moved to the Law School in 1985 as its Administrator and took early retirement in 2005. He is Secretary of Durham UCU and its Health & Safety Representative, Treasurer of the SCR in Castle (and a College Mentor there since 1982) and Treasurer of the Ruth First Educational Trust.

Euan Ross joined the staff of Durham University in January 1974 as its first Chemistry Departmental administrator, having been a chemistry lecturer in further and higher education from September 1965. He was the Department's representative on committees dealing with technical services and library matters, and administered its student examinations and the maintenance of its buildings. Since retirement in September 2006, he has provided voluntary back-up to the Department for alumni events.
From 1978 to 2012 he was a tutor/mentor at Grey College (second tutor in science 1989-96)

John White

After qualifying as an accountant in West Yorkshire, John joined the University Treasurer’s Department in June 1980. In 2000 he moved of to REDDS and in 2001 in to newly established Technology Transfer Office where he used his experience on intellectual property and contracts to assist exploitation of University IP and the formation of spin-out companies. After retiring in 2010 he was Honorary Treasurer on the Durham UCU branch for several years. He is a Fellow of St.Cuthbert’s Senior Common Room and was an undergraduate at Bede College before its merger with St. Hilds.

For questions about the Committee and DURSA activities, please email dursa@durham.ac.uk